Monday, March 26, 2012

A Solid Start

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."
~ Seneca

Today we began to eat like adults; we used a bowl and spoon and our food came from a store, not mom. We aren't exactly food critics considering our palate isn't very diversified yet, but that rice cereal gets only a one-star rating. The best part of the meal was grabbing the bowl and sucking on the spoon. We are hoping for a new flavor tomorrow.

This month's milestone was rolling over. We both roll from our belly to our back and Ella can go the opposite way too. We also have the gift of gab, (dad says we get it from mom). We babble and giggle all day long. Our favorite new spot is in our exersaucers in front of the mirror. We haven't met a mirror we don't like! The warm weather last week kept us out and around town - check us out in our stroller below.

At our four month check up we were both about 13 pounds and in the 25 percentile for height. We got more shots that day which were not fun, but we only cried a little!

We want to wish you a very Happy Easter & Passover! We will be celebrating in Philadelphia and Lakewood so we hope to see many of you then!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Well it's February and we're proud to report that we have already mastered our NY's resolutions. Yes, we (both of us!) now sleep from at least midnight until 5am. Mommy is so happy, proud and more well-rested.

We've been close for a long time now (really close - did you see our mom's belly?) however we haven't really SEEN one another until just a few weeks ago. We were laying in our crib watching the mobile - crazy how that thing never gets old - and rolled onto our sides. Oh yeah, we do a partial-roll now too. And right there before our very eyes was a familiar face. Since then we've begun to reach out to one another, literally - we grab each other's clothes, poke each other in the face while breastfeeding and regularly hold hands while laying next to one another. We are having a great time together.

In other news, we are now experts at giggling, blowing raspberries (why are they called raspberries?) and holding our heads up. We hope you will come visit us soon!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year! We know 2012 is going to be a BIG year for us; we'll say our first words, learn to crawl and probably take our first steps this year so we thought a blog was the best way to share all our milestones (and the fun details of our everyday life).

We spent NYE at our fell0w twin-friends' house, Chloe & Dana. They went to bed at 8:30pm but we don't exactly have a sleep schedule yet, plus we didn't put those tutus on for nothing, so we stayed up and partied till the ball dropped. Chloe & Dana live on the waterfront so we got to see our first fireworks over Time Square too.

We have a few NY resolutions:
a) To sleep in our crib
b) To sleep for at least five hours a night
c) To sleep for the same five hours a night

See a theme here? Mommy & Daddy are very proud of our progress so far, we've been enticed to sleep in the crib by a fancy new mobile - they think we don't know they're trying to trick us but we do. We hope you all had a great holiday season, check back soon for our next post!